
We received a gold medal in the "Lithuanian Product of the Year 2023" awards

2023 12 14

In the competition "Lithuanian Product of the Year 2023", our dolomite stone fr. 63-180 mm and fr. 180-480 mm, dedicated to the construction of nemunas bunas in the project of the Inland Waterways Directorate, was awarded a gold medal in the category of construction materials industry! 

The product, which has no analogues in Lithuania, meets the highest quality standards and is not inferior to the best examples abroad. We created dolomite stone with a focus on sustainability – we used new equipment that emits less pollutants into the environment, optimized human resources.

In 2021-2023, we produced 325 thousand tons. t dolomite stone, and in the future, by changing its size, we will be able to use the product for other hydrotechnical projects. Thank you to the commission for your assessment!