
Rimantas Žiliukas

2024 02 27

In the "Milsa" group of companies, we also have such colleagues who have been working here for decades! We highly value them - this is proof that we have created such a working environment where specialists feel good and can realize themselves. One of them is Rimantas, who has been working as an electrician in the company "Granitas" for 25 years, and this year he also received the "Employee of the Year" award.

Rimantas says that he came to work at "Granitas" 25 years ago from the navy - previously he worked in a team of six colleagues, and today he manages to rotate between the company's branches in Vilnius and Kaunas alone. He says that he is very happy with Granitas colleagues and managers, so he can only say good things about the entire working year.

"We have a strong team here - we all get along well, the managers are also good, which is the most important thing. I often laugh that energy workers probably don't have bad people - wherever I've worked, I haven't met bad people," says Rimantas.

He advises young professionals not to be afraid of work, innovation and to believe in themselves, because there are no impossible things - you just need to give them enough time.